the first quarter of the year is almost over and still i have not bought anything to read. what to do, i don't have the resources yet. however, something good is cooking and hopefully it goes on and on. as usual i have a long list of what-to-do and what-to-buy. but let's face it, i have to go slow just as yet, so let's start with the ultimate passion: books.
lately i skipped visiting the bookshop in reef mall. still, i can't hold back my tears whenever i leave a bookstore without purchasing a single item. if there is anything that could dampen my spirit, that is turning my eyes away from a good book and a good book means just anything that is interesting. so it always boils down to feeling low after a trip to the store.
this year i would be careful to buy only those that i really want. my roommates are now complaining of the boxes i have under the bed and they keep on nagging me to send them to the philippines. not that they're not enjoying. i mean, lucy has 3 of my books in her bed right now, and mel is almost done with the last temptation.
i hope blogspot would help me stick to my list. i really hope that i won't be so overwhelmed by the many books in the shop that i would again be spending too much like i did last year. Alexandre Dumas - anything from the guru. i just love this french author. i've read most of his books but i don't know where my copies are now. i am still waiting for juan to fulfill a promise he made a few years back. i hope he still remembers that someone here in dubai wants him to go to VP bookshop.
Autobiography of Benazir Bhutto - started reading the book at the bookshop in reef mall. finished a quarter of the book, free reading thanks to kuya the storekeeper.
One Man's Meat by EB White is a "witty, succinct observations on daily life at a Maine saltwater farm. Too personal for an almanac, too sophisticated for a domestic history, and too funny and self-doubting for a literary journal, One Man's Meat can best be described as a primer of a countryman's lessons a timeless recounting of experience that will never go out of style." (
Prison Writing by Kim Dae Jung
Dan Brown - whoever borrowed my DB books, please return them immediately before i buy another set. pls, pls, pls!
Stephenie Meyer - i love edward cullen and that's thanks to cielo. oh yeah, i love vampire stories too. now i am missing sir joel. he's a great fan of lestat also but he wants to be the creation of either armand or of the queen of the damned. whatever! i simply love lestat. and edward cullen.
Love Story by Erich Segal - this one i want to give to Lucy.
there are more... but i am afraid it's too lofty a dream. will post next time.
my 2009 book list
Posted by
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
found my tabs!
thanks, nikoy, for still linking this blog. in fact, i dont have the link to this anymore. was just bloghopping when i saw my old tabulas. but sad to say, i cant open this anymore. i cant remember the log in and password details. kudos to ukayaexplorers for keeping the memories alive. love u, niki, mwah!
***latest update as of 1pm today... i got the codes!!! hello tabby again.
Posted by
Monday, March 23, 2009
Baby Enzo on his 2nd day on planet Earth
meet baby Lorenzo Sebastian, he's the latest addition to our growing family. fair-skinned, long-legged, chinky-eyed, he certainly has the looks of mom's line. to baby Enzo, may the world be a playground and a learning center for you. and to shang-shang, thanks for giving us a wonderful baby.
Posted by
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
for juan, barbs, bobong, sir jo,
melds, yesa
Billie Myers
Can you hear me...
Am I getting through to you?
Is it late there...
There's a laughter on the line,
Are you sure you're there alone?
'Cause i'm trying to explain
Something's wrong,
You just don't sound the same.
Why dont you, Why dont you
Go outside, Go outside
Kiss the rain
Whenever you need me
Kiss the rain
Whenever i'm gone too long
If your lips feel lonely and thirsty
Kiss the rain
And wait for the dawn
Keep in mind
We're under the same sky
And the nights
As empty for me as for you
If you feel
You cant wait till morning
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
Do you miss me?
I hear you say you do
But not the way i'm missing you.
Whats new,
Hows the weather...
Is it stormy where you are?
You sound so close but it feels like you're so far.
Oh would it mean anything
If you knew
What i'm left imagining
In my mind
In my mind
Would you go
Would you go
Kiss the rain
As you fall
Over me
Think of me
Think of me
Think of me
Only me
Kiss the rain
Whenever you need me
Kiss the rain
Whenever Im gone too long
If your lips
Feel hungry and tempted
Kiss the rain
And wait for the dawn
Keep in mind
Were under the same sky
And the nights
As empty for me as for you
If you feel you cant wait till morning
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
(kiss the rain)
(kiss the rain)
(kiss the rain)
Can you hear me
Can you hear me
Can you hear me
Posted by
Thursday, March 12, 2009
i love fridays!!!
last weekend was extra fun. yessa came, lucy cooked, mel and i went to church early in the morning. tonton from the adjacent room also came to have fun with us. it was a sorry event that our gay friends were not able to make it, otherwise Baba would have had a hard time controlling the noise from our side (to think they were performing some rite outside - prayer and the cutting of meat).
lucille, melani, ariesa, ruth marie
the ladies of the house were at its feel-beautiful state. thanks to beautician Yesa who came to turn us into Barbies. i have been telling Mel that her hair needs some treatment, been offering my professional touch since eons ago, but she always finds a reason to refuse. guess she only trusts Yesa, what to do!
pictorials! say cheese
*** i hate blogspot today... having problems with the codes, sigh!
Posted by
Sunday, March 08, 2009